Bourbon Cowboy

The adventures of an urbane bar-hopping transplant to New York.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

I'm a storyteller in the New York area who is a regular on NPR's "This American Life" and at shows around the city. Moved to New York in 2006 and am working on selling a memoir of my years as a greeting card writer, and (as a personal, noncommercial obsession) a nonfiction book called "How to Love God Without Being a Jerk." My agent is Adam Chromy at Artists and Artisans. If you came here after hearing about my book on "This American Life" and Googling my name, the "How to Love God" book itself isn't in print yet, and may not even see print in its current form (I'm focusing on humorous memoir), but here's a sample I've posted in case you're curious anyway: Sample How To Love God Introduction, Pt. 1 of 3. Or just look through the archives for September 18, 2007.) The book you should be expecting is the greeting card book, about which more information is pending. Keep checking back!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

100,000+ !!!

I thought it was going to be a bad day. I neglected to take out my wi-fi card, got sucked into the Internet first thing, and didn't write a single word until 8 pm. And yet the magic of bars somehow worked, and I wrote 6900 words tonight, which brings my grand total to...


So I not only passed 100,000, I left it in the dust and kept going for several hours. This is a great thing, because it all but guarantees that the editing of my book will be a function of the relatively swift process of cutting, rather than the longer process of beefing up what's lacking. I suspect I'll be over 125,000 before I'm through with the submission version of the manuscript.

Ever since I've become obsessed with word-counting and time-keeping, I can't help but notice another thing: I was at 83,292 words at the end of Monday. So I've written 20,000 words in four days. If I can sustain this speed--and I have to say, I'm finding it exhilarating--then I could, in theory, write a 100,000 word novel in a single month, and still take time off on weekends.

This seems superhuman, so I'm hoping there's something wrong with my math. Because honestly, the writing itself doesn't suck, so I'm sure it's not that. (It's probably not optimally thought out at this speed, but I still keep coming up with phrases I like and jokes that startle me happily.) All I know is, if my agent is right and the market can't absorb more than one book from a single author every two years, I might have to take on one or two pseudonyms to market fiction under. Any suggestions? I like Thursday Cox, for a very silly puzzlemaker's reason that maybe someone can suss out on their own. Bear in mind I'm writing this at 3 a.m. Whew!


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